It wasn’t long ago Hairfinity came to London to launch their hair vitamin with no other celebrity endorsement than Kim Kardashian and her sister Khloe.

kim kardashian and hairfinity

kim kardashian and hairfinity

As a person this would mean nothing to me as I know major businesses hype up their products with celebrity endorsement in order to increase awareness and of course grow their brand.

As a hair expert and educator, this cannot be ignored for various reasons.  Clients with major hair problems who are struggling to grow their hair have now been fed with imagination and make believe that their hair will grow like Kim Kardashians’ and in no time too.

kim kardashian in hair extensions

kim kardashian in hair extensions

This is fraudulent – running with people’s imagination and feeding them with lies. If this were about anti-aging and health care; advertising standards would have been after this company with laws to force them to tell the truth about their product.  I find this line of advertising a bit too much to deal with at least for the ignorant.

I have no personal problems with Kim Kardashian. She is absolutely gorgeous and I adore her in her own right. Her business acumen is also enviable in every way. She has grown an empire that is beyond imagination. What I will not agree with is lying to the public especially on hair growth. If she was asked to give celebrity endorsement for hair extensions or wigs, she would have been perfect for the job. For someone who’s image like the rest of the celebrities including myself occasionally depend on wigs and hair etensions; need to tell the truth to their audience and stop feeding people with tales and lies.


kim's hairloss

kim’s hairloss

For another point, Kim is struggling with her natural hair as the excessive hair extensions has taken a toll on her hair. Would Hairfinity tell us that her hair problem have been solved hence the need for the hair vitamin? If this is the case then we have to see the roots of her hair to be convinced and for how long did she take this tablets to give her the growth she needed.  If there is no truth about this, then this is simply unfair to gullible people who believe every hype that is thrown at them.

Reading so much about Hairfinity gives me reason to wonder what the hype is all about. This product contains same vitamins as the rest of the hair growing pills so using Kim does not bring anything new to the table –

B-Vitamin complex nourishes and supports a healthy scalp and hair growth. Biotin helps produce keratin, increases hair elasticity, and protects the hair from becoming dry. It also helps thicken the hair to give the appearance of fullness. Antioxidant supplements such as Vitamin C are believed to stimulate hair growth by enhancing the immune function and improving scalp health at a cellular level. Vitamin D helps prevent hair shedding which is critical to a voluminous fuller head of hair. Silica (Horsetail Extract) helps to maintain collagen and hair elasticity to help keep hair lustrous. The sulfur provided by MSM is required for healthy collagen and keratin, which are essential to healthy hair growth.



 All of us seek beautiful hair and especially now every woman want to be like the celebrities hence Kim Kardashian is chosen to be the face of Hairfinity. We can all help our hair to stay healthy and grow without going the route of popping too many expensive pills like Hairfinity. If you are not one for hair extensions and wigs which gives quicker result like Kim, then there are things you need to do to avoid the hype and grow your hair naturally.


It starts from inside with eating the right food. Healthy food inside makes us beautiful and healthy on the outside. This is what Hairfinity and the rest hair growing tablets will not tell you. This is called hype and business marketing.


healthy foods

healthy foods

Some of the simple things you need to include in your daily life include the following:

  • Eat protein rich foods as hair comes from a protein called Keratin.
  • Drink lots of water as it is not only for the functioning of the body but also flushes out toxins.
  • Healthy fats – olive oil, canola oil, omega 3 fatty acids etc
  • Fruits and vegetables are all some of the things to consider and many more.


Best Vitamins for hair growth

  • Spinach – contains iron, zinc and essential minerals
  • Carrots – contains Biotin (essential vitamin for hair regrowth)
  • Onions – rich in zinc, iron, biotin
  • Sweet potatoes – contains beta carotene
  • Tomatoes – contains anti-oxidants
  • Garlic – contains sulphur
  • Beetroots – contains lycopene (stimulates hair growth)
  • Curry leaves – contains keratin
  • Oranges – beta compounds


While we do not support hype and confusion on how to grow hair, we also know that the hairstyles you wear, the products you use on your hair and the attention you give to your hair will all add up to either help your hair grow or completely damage your hair.


For more information or advise, please contact us.


+44 1702 339 858


About Joy Phido

Joy Phido and her 4 children

Joy is an award winning Natural Hair fashion educator and designer. She is a celebrity natural hair designer and trainer to celebrity stylist. She is the CEO of World of Braiding & Extensions Ltd.

Joy is a graduate of Business, a State Registered Hairdresser (SRH), a business entrepreneur, educator, trainer, teacher, Natural Hair & Extensions Designer & Carer, Natural Hair Consultant, NLP practitioner and motivational speaker.

Joy can be seen working with celebrities at photoshoots or for special events and usually the go to person at the back stage of various fashion and beauty events – ranging from working behind the scene at Rita Ora’s Rimmel photoshoot, the Ethnic Fashion Show Southend, Essex Girls Football to major events as Blackstyles Weekend, Miss England, Miss West Africa, Afro Hair & Beauty Fashion show etc.  Training for major organisations such as Newham Summer School, Harrow Youth Council, Hackney Family Learning, American School in London, Newham Adult Education London etc

She has been braiding since the age of 5 and teaching natural hairstyles – Hair Braiding, Weaves & Extensions since 2003. Prior to setting up World of Braiding & Extensions.

She has spent 12 years in Natural Hair Education and Designs and 15 years in various Corporate responsibilities and careers with varied organizations and in various continents;  Currently teaching the world from the internet as a Youtuber with over 8millions views and counting Joy brings on a wealth of knowledge ranging from being a mother in Business, a wife, a business owner who started from Africa and now runs her business in the West etc. You have a lot to gain from this wonderful, full of energy and ready to share knowledge woman.

Some testimonial about Joy.

“The good thing about your videos is that you are so bold and honest because you know exactly what you are talking about.Besides,you just don’t focus on braiding hair,but also on all the other aspects of it(customer service,what to consider to be successful in the business,natural hair care…)That was just firing me up!
I was getting better everyday and started braiding at home (mid May 2013), all by Faith! I wasn’t professional at all,but was working hard on that!I’m proud of my improvements today and can’t thank you enough for your insightful videos.We haven’t met yet,but I consider you as an African sister who just wants everyone to succeed .I see your business is prosperous and by God’s Grace I’m hoping mine will expand as well.And of course,I hope to work closely with you in order to get there!
By the way ,I just watched the video on tree braids with the Bundle of Joy.That hair looks amazing! And it doesn’t look silky at all,is it? It just makes me  want to use it 🙂
Well,thank you so much for your time ,Joy! Please check my pictures out when you get a chance and your advice would be greatly appreciated.
God richly bless you!


01702 339 858

07946 439 057 





Growing Healthy Hair


Natural healthy hair

Natural healthy hair

What is healthy hair? Hair that is vibrant and strong from inside out.  In the hair industry the focus is to achieve a blending of healthy and beautiful hair.

It is not enough to have just a beautiful head of hair.  A physically beautiful head of hair without health leads to a lot of problems – hair loss and hair damage.  This is a problem lots of clients are dealing with today – they want the most glamorous hair to look like Beyonce or Tyra Banks, Cheryl Cole, Jennifer Aniston etc. They do not consider the health of their hair in these instances but as a natural hair designer /hairdresser, your role is to advise them on what is best.   This is because we take years to closely guide and guard a client’s hair to healthy growth.

Here at World of Braiding, our attention is first on the health of your hair. 

Glamour comes with all our styles but we will give you glamorous hair on a healthy head of your natural hair.

Adding all the chemicals in the world does not give you healthy hair and also wearing natural hair without care does not also

conclude healthy hair.  Although there is now a growing trend in the industry where we see the inclusion of vitamins in wellness drinks, natural additives etc to help us gain natural ingredients that we lack in our food. Our industry is developing personal care products that will connect cosmetics and therapeutic pharmaceuticals.  There are now products that go beyond topical beauty which stimulate hair growth, strengthen tresses, enhance styling and improve skin quality.

On the other hand however, you can gain healthy hair and skin naturally by eating the right foods. This we know is nearly impossible in our fast paced world, where the challenge in achieving health with fast foods, junk foods, alcohol, drugs, sugar and salt etc all add to no health, excessive weight gain and lots of diseases.

Our body needs to be nurtured. Eating healthy balanced meals are the most important way to maintain a healthy body and eventually a healthy hair.

Designing natural hair

Designing natural hair

Here at World of Braiding, we are happy to help and this is why we have put together this little piece of information to guide you.

Suggested Foods

Whole foods, fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, sufficient protein, water to hydrate the body etc.

Sources of Good Food

Healthy hair comes from inside to the outside.

Vitamin A – Liver, fish oils, eggs

Vitamin B6 – Chicken, fish, liver, wholegrains, cereals, nuts legumes

Folic Acid – Leafy greens, oranges, avocado, beets, broccoli, brewer’s yeast, liver, wheatgerm

Vitamin B12 – Poultry, eggs, dairy foods.

Vitamin C – Citrus fruits, berries, melons, peppers, dark leafy greens

Biotin – copper (a trace mineral needed to carry oxygen)

Iron, Zinc – deficiency leads to dandruff and hair loss.

Protein – you can’t have new hair without protein (mostly found in eggs, soy, poultry, fish, milk, cheese, yoghurt, meat)

Water – This is essential for life.  Water transports the vitamins , minerals, amino acids and other nutrients.  It cleanses your system of waste, toxins etc. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

Remember, we want you to nurture your hair from inside out. Once you have a healthy head of hair, World of Braiding has a  whole world of hairstyles to transport you to the heights of glamour.  Remember your hair is your crowning glory.  Continue to look glamorous in them.

If you have any hair loss, hair damage or hair disaster experiences you want to share with us, please feel free to contact us and we will try to help.

Premium Natural Hair & Extensions Couture Centre

Premium Natural Hair & Extensions Couture Centre

We are the Premium Natural Hair & Extensions Professionals
Protect your hair; Don’t go bald before you grow old.
Contact No. +44 20 8983 9815

Joy Phido (SRH)
BSc Hons – Business Management, Qualified Hairdresser,
Natural Hair & Extensions Specialist, Designer, Consultant, HABIA Certified Educator,
Entrepreneur, Speaker, Business Start-up Coach/ Adviser, Mentor, Member UK Hairdressing Council, Qualified Teacher, NLP Certified Practitioner, ILEX Certified Legal Administrator