Single Plaits Box Braids

Single Plaits Box Braids

Hair Braiding is the interweaving of strands of hair to form a rope for Single Plaits; interweaving of strands of hair on a pre-determined track for Cornrows; and intertwining of strands of hair for Twist. Braids can be done on all hair types. Braids are healthy when done on a healthy head of client’s natural hair but can be damaging when used on someone whose hair is already damaged with chemicals or too much stress. Braids should not be held tight on the client’s scalp as this leads to traction alopecia but they should be held firmly so they don’t drop off from the client’s head as this leads to embarrassing moments.



What makes a difference between types of braids varies from how a braid is sectioned or partitioned ready for the strands and the hair extensions type used for the braids.
The single plaits box braids are the oldest and most popular of all the braiding styles. For the Single plaits box braids, what you need is a medium sized sectioning of client’s hair partitioned into any of the 3 major types of designed shapes – squares, arch /half-moon or triangles. These are then braided with a medium size of kanekalon or synthetic hair extensions. It is suggested that you add about the same size of extensions to the hair as the section you have created. If you add too much extension to a section, this will become too heavy, outweigh and over power the client’s hair. If you add too little extensions, your hair overpowers the extensions and tends to look rough. As usual we recommend you work with a client who wears natural hair as this hair tends to hold braids better. This style has been made popular by Brandy in her days as Moesha in the sitcom.

Brandy braids in braids

Brandy braids in braids


Type of hair extensions: Can be done with 100% Kanekalon /synthetic quality hair extensions. Some of the quality brands include: Xpressions, Nina, Outre etc as they look pretty and last long with maintenance and care. It is best if the hair extensions are treated into a technique we call “feather tips”. In this technique, the extensions can be cut into various lengths that is required by your client. You can also use the regular synthetic hair extensions – jumbo braids.
Uniqueness of this Hair Extension type: The benefit of the kanekalon hair extensions type is that it creates very good feather tips in the hair extensions which becomes lighter for the client to wear as against the general notion that this type of hair is heavy. This hair extensions type can be shampooed frequently without losing its shine/ lustre; can be used for swimming easily without getting tangled; hair dries naturally without heat, hair is sealed with hot water; hair texture can be changed easily into wavy, curly, crimpy, straight or unlimited styling options.
Client’s Hair type: Virgin Afro hair, Relaxed/chemically processed afro hair, Caucasian hair.
Benefit of hair style: Good volume on fine hair, easy care and styling for virgin afro hair. Instant length, beauty, versatile, can be styled to suit you. This type of hair style is better than damaging your hair with chemical treatments.
    Caution** Do not use on clients with damaged thinning chemically processed hair as extensions gets too heavy for client’s hair and can lead to more hair damage.
Time to put in: Takes between 6 – 10 hours to do depending on how many stylists are working on the hair, how long the extensions is and how tightly packed the style is created.
Wear Duration: Between 4 – 12 weeks depending on individual client’s care, maintenance and discipline regime.

Single Plaits box braids Worldofbraiding

Single Plaits box braids Worldofbraiding

Care: Cleanse hair often with mild shampoo with a mixture of ¼ shampoo to ¾ water. You can also cleanse scalp with dry shampoo or distilled witch hazel. Allow hair to dry naturally without heat.
Price: Depending on stylist experience, expertise and length of hair extensions in use.

If you have any questions or negative experience on this style of hair extensions, please feel free to email or contact us. We also will like to hear about your experiences with hair extensions.

The Premium Natural Hair & Extensions Professionals
Protect your hair; Don’t go bald before you grow old.
Contact No. +44 20 8983 9815
Joy Phido (SRH)
Qualified Cosmetologist, BSc Hons – Business Management,
Natural Hair & Extensions Specialist, Designer, Consultant, HABIA Certified Educator,
Entrepreneur, Speaker, Business Start-up Coach/ Adviser, Mentor, Member UK Hairdressing Council, Qualified Teacher, NLP Certified Practitioner, ILEX Certified Legal Administrator

2 Responses

  1. […] braids, Joy Phido, protective natural hairstyles, Single plaits, world of braiding Worldofbraiding Blog Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers […]

  2. Hair extensions are glamorous when done by professionals.

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